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January 30, 2012
Town of Princeton, MA
January 30, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM in the Annex.  Present were Chairman Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan, Stan Moss and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY12 Warrant #16
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

January 17, 2012 Regular Meeting- Edie moved to approve the minutes. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
January 3, 2012 Executive Session Meeting- Edie moved to approve the minutes not to be released at this time. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
December 19, 2012 Executive Session Meeting- Edie moved to approve the minutes not to be released at this time. Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Scheduled Meetings & Hearings
5:15 – Meet with Town Clerk Lynne Grettum Re: Participation in Meetings & New Meeting Posting Guidelines
Lynne updated the board on changes to the Open Meeting Law that went into effect in July of 2010. The Attorney General’s Office has made some changes, one is relative to meeting postings and allows for websites to provide the 24/7 access as long as the agenda has a date and time stamp. A hard copy will also be posted on a bulletin board inside Town Hall.  Lynne plans to implement the change beginning in March. Notification to residents will be sent in the PMLD flyer and via Town News.

In November, the Attorney General’s Office approved remote participation in meetings. Lynne noted this change requires certain procedures be followed and equipment purchased. The board thanked Lynne for the information and will take it under advisement.

6:00 – Meet with Advisory Board
Terri Hart called the Advisory Board meeting to order at 6 PM.
John said he has an unforeseen expense in the amount of $4,000 due to the payout of Bill Johnson’s accumulated vacation hours at the time of his retirement. He requests it be funded from the Reserve Fund Account and transferred to Town Building Operations Salary Account. Edie moved to approve the transfer request from the Reserve Fund account #01-5-132-780 in accordance with the provisions of MGL Chapter 40, Section 6, the amount of $4000, to Town Building Operating Salaries account #01-5-192-100.  Stan seconded. All in favor (3-0).
Terri Hart moved for the Advisory Board to accept. The motion was seconded and Advisory Board voted in favor.

John notified the board that the police overtime budget account will not have enough funds after May 1. Chief Powers has funds in another account and will ask for an interdepartmental transfer at that time.

Old Business
Thomas Prince School Green Repair Project/ Thomas Prince School PCB Project
John reported the project is proceeding on schedule. Work is being done on roof as weather allows. Waiting for EPA to respond to report submitted in mid-January for work on windows. The first monthly reimbursement was submitted to the Mass School Building Authority in the amount of $132,301.

Surplus Property Disposal Process Update
John said the auction went very well.  Over 200 separate bids were received. Six vehicles not being used by the town were sold for a total of $7,898.   The board commended John on a job well done.

New Business
Mutual Aid Agreement Discussion
John met with Chief Powers and informed the board she is requesting their approval for a mutual aid agreement. The agreement is strongly advocated by Massachusetts Chief of Police organization. It allows towns to legally enter another jurisdiction and make an arrest. Raymond questioned why some communities did not sign on and expressed mixed feelings. John will invite Chief Powers to attend the next meeting to provide additional details.

Other Business

Public Comment
Jerry Gannelli said he is concerned with an incident relative to regional dispatch in Hubbardston that occurred recently and is not in favor of regional dispatch.  Raymond believes there are many positive elements to regional dispatch. Stan noted the Public Safety Committee spent three months reviewing details and agreed if a decision is made to regionalize, a person would be available in the building to assist the public.

Executive Session
At 6:15 Edie moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(3), to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining, and not to reconvene into open session.  All were in favor by roll call. Raymond yes; Edie yes; Stan; yes.

Raymond advised that the board will now enter into executive session for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to collective bargaining since an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the town.
The meeting adjourned at 6:15 pm. All were in favor (3-0).

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:
Reserve Fund Transfer Request
Mutual Aid Agreement